Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

Benefits of Flaxseed Oil


Flaxseed oil, also known as linseed oil, is an excellent source of Omega-3, 6 and 9 fatty acids, which are known to promote optimal cognitive functioning. The emerging, key source of phytochemicals improves cardiovascular system functionality and helps shield both the heart and the rest of the cardiovascular system from disease, largely due to the omega-3s in the oil, which are known to significantly lower bad cholesterol and perhaps lead to weight loss. The ancient remedy is known for helping to heal laxative-damaged colons, relieve irritable bowels, intestinal inflammation, constipation and diverticulitis, which causes pain and bowel disturbances. It has been used to help heal upper respiratory infections, urinary infections, vaginitis and benign enlargements of the prostate. Chronic joint conditions, abdominal and menstrual pains are also said to be relieved by it. In vitro antioxidant properties of the oil have been cited. It helps to maintain skin, assists the fundamental structures of cell membranes and combats skin inflammation when used topically. Flax seeds and flaxseed oil are known to impact nervous system health, including neurological disorders. The estrogen receptor agonists and antagonists in the oil affect and can even curtail hormone-related cancers.

It’s extracted by pressing and grinding ripened and dried flax seeds at a low temperature - cold-pressing - which helps to retain nutritional value and both preserve and concentrate the nourishing linolenic acids. The oil of polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as alpha-linolenic acids and other linolenic acids, and monounsaturated fatty acids, such as oleic acid, is removed and the hulls are increasingly used as a lignan-rich food source. It is a drying oil - one that can polymerize from a liquid into a solid - making it easy to blend with other oils.

The vegan/vegetarian-friendly oil is a common substitute for fish or fish-related fatty acid supplements. Our product is Quality Assurance International certified organic, unrefined, unfiltered, unbleached and both gluten and hexane free.

Salads, dressings, yogurt, cottage cheese, hot cereals, pastas, smoothies and other foods and beverages can be consumed with flaxseed oil for a natural boost of essential fatty acids. In China, it’s very popular in low-temperature stir-frying because of its hearty taste. In both Asia and Europe, especially Germany, flax seeds are widely used in baked goods. German-speaking countries and northern Europe commonly eat flaxseed oil with potatoes and quark: a both creamy and somewhat crumbly cheese product.

Flax seeds and flaxseed oil have been used in tools, medicine and cooking since at least the end of the last ice age and almost everyone has tolerated them well, but it should be known that there are a handful of documented assumed endocrine, gastrointestinal, dermatologic, octic, hematologic, neurologic and pulmonary allergic reactions, as well as psychiatric reactions. Additionally, the amino acids in flaxseed oil, some of which the body transforms into human hormones, are suspected of stimulating menstruation, which may stunt pregnancies.

We at Natural Nutra offer two options for ingesting the benefits of our North American grown flaxseed oil: 8 fl oz bottles of organic flaxseed oil and units of ninety 1,000 mg softgels. Flaxseed oil oxidizes and spoils quickly, especially at room temperature. To prevent light from triggering the reaction and destroying the beneficial fatty acids, we use preventative, 3rd-party tested, BPA-free, black plastic bottles.


Scientific Research on the Benefits of Flaxseed Oil

Medicinal suggestions for flaxseed oil have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration for the diagnosis, treatment, curing or prevention of any disease but many collegiate and otherwise respected scientific studies have attempted to document its benefits. The FDA does, however, allow flax seeds to compose 12% of food by weight.

Heart and Cardiovascular Health

  • Alpha-linolenic acid has been shown to linearly increase cellular eicosapentaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid known to improve arterial functionality and circulation
  • Found to fight hyperlipidemia - too many fats in the bloodstream - by reducing hepatic liquids
  • May improve plasma oxidative stress, lipid profiles and inflammation to help prevent atherosclerosis
  • Documented lowering of total serum cholesterol by 9% and low-density-lipoprotein cholesterol by 18%
  • Total urinary lignan excretion has been found to increase more than fivefold
  • A significant decrease in blood glucose after eating lunch and dinner has been measured
  • Omega-3 has been cited as lowering blood pressure in dyslipidaemic patients
  • Alpha-linolenic acid-rich oils may yield protective effects against cardiovascular disease

Kidney Health

Joint Health

Aids Cognitive Functioning and Nervous System Health

  • Omega-3 builds up in the brain during development and aids in the harmony and functionality of complex circuits and their synapses
  • Evidence for value as a pain reliever
  • May play a role in the prevention and management of depression, with less than 3% exhibiting behavioral changes such as mania or hypomania
  • May lower the incidence and progression of dementia

Helps to Heal Inflammatory Conditions

  • Alpha-linolenic acid is known to decrease the production of arachidonic acid, which eases inflammation
  • Found to decrease platelets’ tendency to aggregate
  • Eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid have been found to inhibit neutrophil inflammatory responses
  • Found to be an attractive adjunctive treatment for painful and cramping menstruation
  • Shown to have a disease-preventative effect on chemically-driven liver damage
  • Found to be an attractive adjunctive treatment for inflammatory bowel disease

Helps Maintain Skin and Assists Cell Membrane Structures

  • Improves the functionality of skin barriers
  • Modulates skin conditions and moisturizes
  • Diminishes skin sensitivity
  • Has structural-functional synergies with the phospholipids used in cell membrane structures

Immune System Health

  • Flaxseed oil’s secoisolariciresinol-diglucoside, a mammalian lignan precursor, has antioxidant properties
  • Shown to suppress oxygen free radicals from neutrophils and monocytes
  • Shown to suppress the production of interleukin-1, leukotriene-B and tumor necrosis
  • Found to have a profound effect on colon tumor development through exhibited chemopreventive properties
  • Enterolactone and enterodiol, which are metabolized from flax seeds in the bowel, may slow cell production and inhibit aromatase, 5-alpha reductase and 17-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activity, which inhibits prostate cancer, breast cancer and others that are sensitive to hormones  
  • Secoisolariciresinol-diglucoside has been found to be beneficial during the onset of breast cancer - the promotional phase of carcinogenesis
  • Alpha-linolenic acid, the oil component, has been found to assist the body when breast tumors have already formed

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