Krill Oil - A Natural Supplement to Nourish Your Brain to Bones

Krill Oil - A Natural Supplement to Nourish Your Brain to Bones

Krill, also commonly known as Euphausia Superba, looks more or less like a shrimp. Krill is being produced in abundance in cold ocean water regions. The oil is naturally red in color as it contains astaxanthin in large quantity.

You will be amazed to know that apart from being an important link in the marine food chain, krill is also used to produce krill oil which has similar taste to fish oil. Unlike many other kinds of oils, krill oil is water-soluble making it more efficient in delivering wholesome health benefits. Because of its natural health components, krill oil has gained a lot of popularity in recent years.

  • Omega 3 is present in phospholipids form, which absorbs easily into the body - even at better rate than triglycerides present in fish oil.
  • Astaxanthin, being one of the most powerful antioxidants, works as a protective shield against free radicals in our body. The effectiveness of any antioxidant can be measured by determining its Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC). Krill oil contains almost 5 times more of ORAC as compared to fish oil.
  • Krill oil also maintains optimum level of lipid and cholesterol in the body to maintain healthy heart functions.

A Health Nourishing Supplement by Natural Nutra

Sustainably sourced and made from all-natural components, Krill Oil Supplement from Natural Nutra provides a quality source in the form of small gel pills. This supplement is a powerhouse of omega-6, known as Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA).

This Krill Oil Supplement is completely gluten-free and also free of any artificial color. For the best results, take the Krill Oil Supplement in conjunction with Evening Primrose Oil to supply your body with the necessary levels of both omega-3 and omega-6.

This essential supplement ensures optimum functioning of your heart, skin, cell membrane and nervous system. Krill oil supplement is a non-GMO, cold pressed, hexane free, herbicide free and pesticide free and provides you the health benefits in its most natural form.

Krill Oil for Your Wholesome Health

The Food and Drug Administration has not evaluated the medicinal use of krill oil for the diagnosis, treatment, curing or prevention of any disease. However, independent medical studies and institutional researches carried out by renowned institutions across the globe have documented its wholesome health benefits.

Help women sail through tough PMS times

It is no secret that PMS can be a difficult time, in a month, for any women. It is easier to take painkiller during those days but that is not a recommended solution for the body. Krill oil supplement is one natural way to help ease the pain of menstrual cramps. Researchers have claimed that krill oil works more efficiently than fish oil. Krill oil has shown positive results in reducing distress and anguish that are quite common during PMS.

Helps in proper functioning of joints

Krill oil supplement is quite effectiveness in lubricating joints. This body nourishing oil helps in producing a protective response against inflammation. Regular consumption of krill oil

  • Decreases joint pain
  • Minimizes joint stiffness
  • Improves overall joint mobility

A supplement for a healthier mind

Many scientific studies have pointed to a positive correlation between high intake of krill oil and improved concentration. Astaxanthin, present in krill oil, easily passes the blood brain barrier and promotes healthy brain functions. Due to high concentration of omega-3, krill oil may also helps in preventing memory loss and improves brain functions.

One cannot stress the benefits of this natural and effective health supplement enough. If you are into your 20s, 30s, 40s, or 50s, it is never too late to ensure proper body nutrition for seamless body functions. Provide your body with extra nutrition in the form of krill oil supplement and keep your body disease free.

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