Who We Are

"We believe that humans are meant to live in harmony with Nature.  That inspires and guides us in everything we do."

As lifetime lovers of The Great Outdoors, we've experienced, again and again, the majesty and awesome power of Nature.

Everyone on this planet is a unique spiritual being who comes, wholly, from that single, original source and is intimately connected to it for all time.

That is why we are so passionate in protecting Nature and providing its benefits to as many people as we possibly can... Because we know the result: healthier, happier individuals who can live their lives more fully and more joyfully as a direct result.

We think The Golden Rule and good business can go hand-in-hand.

Winston Churchill said, “We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.”

We are committed to social responsibility and environmental sustainability. After all, where would the world be without dedicated philanthropists such as Howard SchifferPaolo Bray, and Gaylord Nelson? Individuals like these dedicate their lives to make our world a better place, and we passionately uphold their efforts. 

We also don't see any real distinction between our personal and professional lives. There's no reason why the same openness, trust and even love can't apply to both worlds.

So we treat our customers like friends we truly want to help–Do unto others as we would have them do unto us. We've discovered that most people find such an approach to be very refreshing, and it makes them feel much more engaged.

Our passion for health generates our passion for perfection.

To serve our customers as best we can, we fully immerse ourselves in research about nature and natural supplements in order to select the finest, most health-enhancing products available.

That is driven by our belief that health tends to be the most important–and most overlooked–aspect of our lives.

This extensive research has led us to choose high quality suppliers that uphold our values. Moreover, they engage in environmentally sustainable farming practices and are passionate about social responsibility. (Read more about our manufacturer and suppliers on our "Our Guarantee” page.)

We invite you to explore our website

If you care deeply about the natural world and recognize its incredible powers to generate greater energy and enthusiasm for life… if you want to help protect and restore Nature to its proper place… if you believe every human has the right to be happy and healthy… we believe you'll find kindred spirits in Natural Nutra.

We'd be truly honored to help you, too, achieve the health and vitality you seek through our products.

We look forward to hearing from you soon!


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