The Ultimate Guide to Your New Vitamin Regimen

The Ultimate Guide to Your New Vitamin Regimen

The Ultimate Guide to Your New Vitamin Regimen

The ultimate guide to your new vitamin regimen must account for not only how long you’ve lived but also your habits. Ignoring the importance of the micro-nutrients needed to keep your body firing on all cylinders is a dangerous and potentially catastrophic path for your health.

There is a growing need to take supplements for nutrients. Every year, there are fewer nutrients on farmlands: plants absorb them and it’s not a high priority for farmers rivaling Big Agro, who are simply trying to stay in business, to attempt to replace what’s depleted. The human body can synthesize many of its nutrients from existing ingredients but many need to be continually gathered. Additionally, some extra supplements are known to safely enhance existing functions. In a world where we’re too often bombarded by junk, deciphering which vitamins, minerals and supplements should be taken and remembering to take them regularly can be an overwhelming task. Detailed in the ultimate guide to your new vitamin regimen are age and lifestyle-specific guidelines for supplementing your individual needs.


Earl Mindell and the Nutra Vitamin Stack

A very influential book that helped with this blog post is Dr. Earl Mindell's “New Vitamin Bible” which was written with the help of acclaimed author Hester Mundis. This book highlights everything you need to know about nearly every vitamin available, in addition to the benefits each one offers. We highly recommend picking up a copy if you'd like to educate yourself on vitamins and various supplement regimens.


Mindell's research, in addition to knowledge gained throughout the years and sources cited at the bottom of this post, led us to create the Nutra Vitamin Stack (NVS), and the additional supplements that may accompany the NVS.

The NVS is the foundation to many of the regimens featured later in this blog post. However, if you are looking for something simple yet essential, the NVS is a great regimen to start with.

Please note that the vitamins and supplements listed in this blog post, including those in the NVS, are simply recommendations. Everyone's body is different, and it is important to understand any limitations you may have before taking any dietary supplements. Therefore, before taking any supplementation we recommend consulting with your healthcare professionals (doctor, registered dietitian, pharmacist, etc.), especially those with a known medical condition.


The Nutra Vitamin Stack (NVS)


1) Multiple Vitamin and Mineral for general health and wellness

2) Mixed Carotenoids with Antioxidant Formula for increased immunity

3) Enzyme and/or Probiotic Complex for optimal digestion and enhanced nutrient uptake

4) Omega-3 Fatty Acid with EPA and DHA to support cardiovascular health

5) CoQ10 (Coenzyme Ubiquinone or Coenzyme Q10) for energy production

6) Turmeric Curcumin containing 95% curcuminoids for anti-inflammation

7) Cal-Mag-Zinc with Vitamin D3 for strong bones and teeth.


1) Ginkgo Biloba for memory retention and cognition support

2) Lutein, Bilberry, and Blueberry Complex for eye and vision health

3) Vitamin E with Mixed Tocopherols for added antioxidant support, enhancing heart and skin health

4) Vitamin C for added immune system support and skin health

5) Garlic for immune system support and overall health and wellness, which is especially important during cold and flu season

6) L-Glutamine and Amino Acids for muscle growth and repair, which is especially important for athletes

7) N-Acetyl Cysteine for its antioxidant support and anti-toxin properties

8) Soy Isoflavone with genistein and daidzein for disease fighting benefits, female menopausal and male prostate health

To build your vitamin stack, we have created two methods for you to choose: build by age or by lifestyle. People with typical habits are well accommodated by the age regimen. The lifestyle regimen, however, caters to individual with specific and often exceptional life situations. We recommend starting with a regimen based on age and then examining a more personalized regimen based on lifestyle.


Regimen Based on Age

Men 12-18

The Nutra Vitamin Stack (NVS) detailed above is enough to accommodate young men with typical habits. 


Men 19-30

The NVS is enough to accommodate growing men with typical habits. In addition, young adults who are constantly learning during this stage of development can benefit from taking a standardized 60 mg Ginkgo Biloba complex two to four times daily to help boost cognitive and memory functions.


Men 30-50

In addition to the NVS, a daily cardio support formula, along with two tablets in the morning and two at night of time-released Arginine can help ensure heart and cardiovascular health. Men over 30 need to start thinking about their prostates and should choose a daily formula that protects its health. Soy Isoflavones with genistein and daidzein accomplishes this and also helps to fight diseases. As men age, so do their memories; and taking a standardized 60 mg Ginkgo Biloba complex twice a day can help boost cognitive and memory functions.


 Men 50+

10-40 mg of Zinc daily helps middle-aged men achieve a hormonal balance, boosts the immune system, provides antioxidant support, helps facilitate digestion and aids general growth and development. It is also important to note that the maximum daily intake unlikely to cause adverse health effects is 40 mg according to the National Institutes of Health. In addition, many males may receive enough zinc on a daily basis since it is found in a wide variety of foods.

In addition to Zinc, a daily cardio support formula, and two tablets in the morning and two at night of time-released Arginine can help ensure heart and cardiovascular health. Older men should also take a daily support formula to protect their prostate. Soy Isoflavone with genistein and daidzein accomplishes this and also helps to fight diseases. Aging males should also take a standardized 60 mg Ginkgo Biloba complex two to four times daily. This will support memory functions and help offset the cognitive decline that can accompany aging. 


Women 12-18

Young women are still growing, so 250 mg of extra Calcium is needed for their bones to properly develop. Our NVS includes a Multiple Vitamin and Cal-Mag-Zinc tablets to help support bones and teeth. They also need 125 mg of extra Magnesium, which participates in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the human body and is essential to ideal development. The MVP (Earl Mindell's Program) recommends taking twice as much Calcium as Magnesium, preferably with amino acid chelation or glycinated amino acid chelation in a complex mixed with Vitamin D, boron and Soy Isoflavone.


Women 19-50

As women age, their need for organic Iron grows - they should take about 18 mg daily. 1,000 mg of Calcium and 310 mg of Magnesium daily is essential for this age group (preferably with amino acid chelation or glycinated amino acid chelation in a complex mixed with Vitamin D), boron and Soy Isoflavone. Stress becomes a growing concern as women age and pharmaceutical grade St. John’s wort complex, made of methlysulfonyl-methane (MSM), bioflavonoids and Vitamin C, can help.


Women 50+

Vitamin E 400 IU presents numerous health benefits for aging women and can potentially reduce bone fractures according to a study done by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 1,000 mg of Calcium and 310 mg of Magnesium are needed daily (preferably with amino acid chelation or glycinated amino acid chelation in a complex mixed with Vitamin D), boron and Soy Isoflavone. About half as much (10 mg) Iron is needed after menopause.


Regimen Based on Lifestyle

General age guidelines don’t fully cater to personalized needs based on an individual’s lifestyle. Individuals that do one or two specific tasks on a daily basis may benefit more by taking a regimen that supplements that specific lifestyle. These lifestyle regimens will assist in preventing the depletion resources related to each specific task.


The Student Regimen

Tight budgets and a stressful, on-the-go lifestyle often inhibit students from fulfilling their dietary needs. Nutrient-deprived starches and carbohydrates are too often their go-to meals, meaning the consumption of vitamins and perhaps other supplements are essential to fill in these nutritional gaps. Taking the NVS should fulfill their basic dietary needs. Additionally, a 60 mg Ginkgo Biloba complex two to four times daily can help boost cognitive and memory functions.


The Professional Regimen

Those who live a professional life can probably define it in one word, stress. Taking a St. John’s wort complex twice daily and a Vitamin B Complex in the morning and evening can help take the edge off naturally by stabilizing your mood, relieving stress, and increasing energy. A standardized 60 mg Ginkgo Biloba complex twice daily can help you focus more on those stress-creating daily tasks. Especially if your line of work involves manual labor, 500 mg of chelated Calcium and 250 mg of Magnesium once or twice daily from our Cal-Mag-Zinc tablets can also help with the physical depletion incurred at work.


The Tech Regimen

Those who work with computers a large portion of their time often suffer from strained eyes and annoyed nerves. They need a regimen that supplies their eyes with additional support to offset the degenerative effects of computer vision syndrome. An Eye and Vision complex, complete with bilberries, blueberries, and lutein, provides a great way to support eye health naturally, without spending a fortune at the eye doctor. Additionally, taking a St. John’s wort complex once daily and a Vitamin B Complex in the morning and evening can help keep moods and bodily functions stable. A standardized 60 mg Ginkgo Biloba complex twice daily can help boost cognitive and memory functions, and taking one capsule of CoQ10 daily can increase energy and help you through those long, strenuous hours. Techies can also use 500 mg of chelated Calcium and 250 mg of Magnesium once or twice daily from a Cal-Mag-Zinc supplement.


The Cardio Regimen

The compound acegyl-coenzyme-A is formed when converting fats to energy. If only animal fat is present for the reaction, production of the compound is minimal. Polyunsaturated fats from foods like peanuts and seeds increase their production. Adding Selenium and Vitamin C and E also helps to avoid problems caused by free radicals. Time-released Arginine morning and night promotes healing and assists the circulatory and endocrine systems as they pump fluids swiftly and forcefully through the body. A 50 mg Vitamin B Complex morning and night can keep bodily functions stable. Two tbsp of Methylsulfonyl-methane powder in filtered water or juice before, during or after a workout can be taken to reduce the buildup of lactic acid, which leads to cramps. A shake of Whey or Soy Protein mixed with 1 to 1 ½ cups of milk or soy milk for breakfast, perhaps with fruit and ice, can act as a meal replacement and promotes muscle healing and growth.


The Bodybuilder Regimen

Athletes need 80-90% of their calories from high-energy foods, including complex carbohydrates and extra protein but no more than 10% from meat. 50 mg of Vitamin B Complex twice daily and 1,000 mcg of Octacosanol one to three times daily can enhance physical endurance. 1 tbsp of Creatine monohydrate in juice or water helps to supply energy and nutrients to cells. 1-2 spoonfuls of Methylsulfonyl-methane powder in 8 oz of filtered water or juice before, during or after a workout combats the buildup of lactic acid. Remember to always drink water before, during and after workouts.

If the goal is to stay toned and fit, beware of excessive glucose, sugar, honey, candy, etc. that draws fluid into the gastrointestinal tract and dehydrates. Taking 30-100 mg of CoQ10 with Vitamin E daily can enhance energy production.

If the primary goal is to build muscle mass, the natural anabolic muscle building properties of branched chain amino acids are helpful. 4-6 600 mg capsules should be taken a half hour before a heavy workout. One or two is sufficient for light workouts. 1-3 grams of time-released Arginine on an empty stomach before bed promotes healing and assists the circulatory and endocrine systems as they swiftly and forcefully pump bodily fluids. A shake of Whey Protein mixed with 1 to 1 ½ cups of milk for breakfast, perhaps with fruit and ice, promotes healing and building muscle fibers.


The Wise Regimen

Addressing the health of men and women over 65 is complicated because their supplementary needs are much more individualized, particularly around existing bodily deficits. Insufficient Vitamin E leads to poor circulation and leg cramps but can be remedied with 200 to 400 IUs daily. Extra Fiber, both soluble and insoluble, can help keep digestion running smoothly. A standardized 60 mg Ginkgo Biloba complex two to three times daily can help boost cognitive and memory functions. Aging bodies and bones can use both 500 mg of chelated Calcium and 250mg of Magnesium twice daily from a Cal-Mag-Zinc supplement to help retain their youthful strength. Taking a 100 mg capsule of CoQ10 can enhance energy production and help keep organs healthy. To keep eyes healthy, consider a natural Eye and Vision supplement complete with the top three herbal remedies in eye health: blueberries, bilberries, and lutein. Due to the high incidence of sugar diabetes in senior citizens, sugar should be approached with caution.

Building a Balanced Personalized Regimen

As you can see, everyone’s lifestyle is different, and different lifestyles lead to different dietary needs. Someone who sits in front of a computer all day may need lutein, bilberry and blueberry complex for eye support but may not require amino acids for growing muscles. Truly, the ultimate guide to your new vitamin regimen is so personalized, you may need to write it yourself; but the details above and Natural Nutra’s available solutions for better health may propel you far ahead along the journey. Overlapping age and lifestyle guidelines can be effective as long as overdosing is avoided. Although dietary needs are specific for each individual one thing remains certain: personalizing a safe and effective vitamin regimen is an essential step toward living a healthy, fulfilling life.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog post. We encourage you to share your thoughts and recommendations below in the comments! 



Mindell, Earl, and Hester Mundis. Earl Mindell's New Vitamin Bible. New York: Grand Central Life & Style, 2011. Print.

"Office of Dietary Supplements - Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Iron." Dietary Supplement Fact Sheet: Iron — Health Professional Fact Sheet. National Institutes of Health, 11 Feb. 2016. Web. 28 July 2016. <>

Daniells, Stephen. "Vitamin E Supplements May Reduce Bone Fracture Rate in the Elderly: Study." N.p., 16 Jan. 2016. Web. 28 July 2016. <>

 "Office of Dietary Supplements - Zinc." Zinc — Health Professional Fact Sheet. National Institutes of Health, 11 Feb. 2016. Web. 28 July 2016. <>

Higdon, Jane, Ph.D. "Micronutrient Information Center - Magnesium." Magnesium. Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, 2001. Web. 28 July 2016. <>

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